About Heards Ferry Elementary
Established in 1970, Heards Ferry Elementary (HFE) is a neighborhood school with a reputation for strong parental involvement and high achieving students. Opening the doors to our new state-of-the-art building in August 2015, HFE continues to be recognized as a leading school in Fulton County with our dedicated teaching staff, comprehensive academic programs and superior test results.
- In 2016 HFE earned the Governor’s Office National School of
Excellence award. - In 2017 HFE was awarded by the Georgia Office of Student
Achievement (GOSA) the Highest Performing Schools Gold Award. - In 2018 HFE was designated an Exemplary High Performing Schools National Blue Ribbon School
by the U.S. Secretary of Education. - In 2018 HFE officially became an International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) World School.
About the Eagle Alliance
The Eagle Alliance, HFE’s parent teacher support organization, exemplifies our parents’ and teachers’ passion for each students’ success. The Eagle Alliance funds nearly every academic program and event at HFE. Each and every student benefits from these comprehensive academic programs. Our sponsored events reinforce our neighborhood school’s strong sense of community.
HFE Mission:
"To challenge and support all students to reach their highest potential"
HFE Vision: (in line with Ridgeview and Riverwood)
The vision of Heards Ferry, as a member of the Riverwood International Cluster, is to deliver a challenging curriculum that gives all students the tools needed to be successful, contributing members of our nation and the world.
HFE Beliefs:
We believe all students solve problems in different ways and at different rates.
We believe in an open environment where communication and respect are valued by all stakeholders.
We believe in a student centered environment that develops global thinkers and promotes independence.
We believe that learning is a continual process of risk taking and reevaluation.
HFE Motto:
“Teaching students how to think, not what to think.”
HFE is an International Baccalaureate World School
The mission of an IB school is to develop responsible citizens in a global community by developing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
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Thank you to our HFE Partners in Education
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Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 13