The Eagle Alliance Needs YOU!
Membership for the 2024-2025 school year is now open! Click HERE to join!
As hard as it is to believe, Heards Ferry Elementary receives only enough money from Fulton County to pay our incredible teachers and staff, to keep our school clean, and for basic academic programming.
It costs an average of more than $250 per student over and above this budget to run our school. This is why we are asking for a minimum donation of $250 per student. Your contributions are the primary source of the Eagle Alliance budget.
What Does the Eagle Alliance Fund?
- STEAM Club, Chorus, and Science Club
- School-Wide Reading, Writing, and Math Programs
- School Field Trips
- School-Wide Events Including: Career Month, STEM Day, International Day, Field Day
- Classroom Supply Closet
- Staff Development, Training, and Appreciation Events
- Parent Enrichment Events
- Landscape and Maintenance
Impact of the Eagle Alliance
- HFE and the Eagle Alliance work together as we continue our IB (International Baccalaureate) journey. Heards Ferry has been accepted as an IB World School for the PYP (primary years program). IB Schools are schools that share a common philosophy- a commitment to high quality, challenging, international education that Heards Ferry Elementary School believes is important for our students. The Eagle Alliance has been and will continue to be an important partner with the administration and teachers as we continue on this journey.
- A thriving public school enhances the community. Not only is it good for the morale and community spirit, it is a significant driver of home values. Based on Heards Ferry's sterling reputation, young families across the metro Atlanta region seek to find homes in this district. Without proper funding from the community, the school could no longer afford to provide the same educational benefits to our children of Sandy Springs.
- We're all in this together. With our stellar team of administrators and teachers leading our school, we are poised for tremendous growth both in numbers and achievement. If we continue to fund our current programs AND prepare for additional needs in the future, we will maintain our current level of excellence and will be prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
As you can see, your support is vital to the strong community Heards Ferry has helped establish. With your support, we can maintain the high level of academic achievement Heards Ferry students enjoy, and we can fly higher.
On behalf of the families of Heards Ferry and the greater Sandy Springs community, thank you for doing your part to ensure a bright future for our children.
HFE is an International Baccalaureate World School
The mission of an IB school is to develop responsible citizens in a global community by developing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
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Thank you to our HFE Partners in Education
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Upcoming Events
- Monday, February 10
- Tuesday, February 11
- Wednesday, February 12
- Thursday, February 13