New Family Facts

Welcome to Heards Ferry Elementary School!

We are so glad that you are considering Heards Ferry Elementary School (HFE) for your child. We know that you may have questions as you prepare for this exciting new experience. To help you plan for the school year, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. Further detail on life at Heards Ferry can be found in the “Handbook for Parents and Students”. We hope you find this information useful and we look forward to seeing you at school very soon.


School Hours

School hours are 7:40 am – 2:20 pm. Students should not arrive before 7:10 am.



At the beginning of each school year, parents or guardians select which primary mode of transportation the child will use to and from school. In the event of any change in the mode of transportation for dismissal, a written notice is required. A Change of Dismissal Form can be found here.




Information regarding bus route numbers and times can be found here. If your child will be riding the bus, please visit the Bus/Transportation table at the HFE Open House in August to confirm your child’s bus number and to pick up your child’s bus bag tag. Every bus rider needs to have a colored bus bag tag attached to their book bag for their corresponding bus before the first day of school.


If you need to replace your bus bag tag, they can be picked up in the front office. If you have any questions or concerns regarding HFE bus procedures, please contact the Fulton County Schools Transportation Supervisor for HFE, Ian Montfort, at 470-254-6088.


Please note that students are only allowed to ride their corresponding bus, and cannot use a different bus for playdates, etc.




Morning carpool starts at 7:10 am. Afternoon carpool starts at 2:20 pm. If you do not have a carpool number, please visit the Carpool/Transportation table at the HFE Open House in August to pick up your child’s carpool bag tag, and obtain a carpool hanger tag for your vehicle. Every carpool rider needs to have a colored carpool bag tag attached to their book bag before the first day of school. If you need to replace your carpool vehicle tag, they can be obtained in the front office. Additional information about carpool maps can be found here and procedures can be found here.




If your child will be a “walker”, they will be dismissed to the Cafeteria where parents or guardians can come pick them up.


Early Dismissal


Parents or guardians can come to the front office to pick up your children early. You will need to show ID and sign out your student. For safety and dismissal efficiency, children must be checked out by 2:00pm.



The classroom teacher will provide you with your child’s lunch schedule.


Your child may purchase lunch in the cafeteria or bring lunch from home. Each child has a personal meal account ID number. You can deposit money into your child’s meal account by visiting the Cafeteria at the HFE Open House in August or by going online here. Your child does not need to memorize his or her meal account number. Additional information about the breakfast and lunch program (including menus) can be found here.


After the first two weeks of school and subject to compliance with the HFE and Fulton County Schools visitor policy, parents and guardians are welcome to join their children for lunch. Please note that you must sign in and pick up a visitor pass to wear throughout your stay. See below for more information on Visitor & Volunteering at HFE.


After Care

After Care is provided onsite at HFE by Right At School. Details about the program, including registration and pricing, can be found here. Please contact the Right At School site director with any questions at


HFE Eagle Alliance

The HFE Eagle Alliance was formed in 2014 following the merger of the HFE Parent Teacher Organization and the HFE Foundation. Membership is open to anyone who has a child at HFE or who wants to support the school. The Eagle Alliance is a wonderful organization, which funds nearly every academic program, extra-curricular activity and school event. The Eagle Alliance dues and other funds raised throughout the year directly benefit all HFE students. If you have not already done so, register on the Eagle Alliance website to receive important school info, sign up to volunteer, and consider joining the Eagle Alliance.



Most information can be found on the HFE School Website and the HFE Eagle Alliance website The HFE Eagle Alliance distributes electronic communications by sending an electronic newsletter and email tip sheets. The Newsletter is also posted on both the HFE School Website and the HFE Eagle Alliance Website. You can also follow important reminders and tips on the Eagle Alliance Facebook page and Twitter. Specific classroom information will come directly from your child’s teacher and/or room parent. •


HFE School Website:

HFE Eagle Alliance website:

Facebook: HFE Eagle Alliance

Twitter: @HFEaglesCST


Teacher Assignments

You will receive an email just prior to the start of the school year, notifying you of your child’s classroom teacher.


Visiting & Volunteering at HFE

If you are coming to HFE for any reason (e.g., late check in/early pick up, assist in the classroom, eat lunch with your child, attend a meeting, etc.), you may be required to sign in/out at the front desk, show ID, and pick up a visitor badge to wear throughout your visit and to sign out when you leave. Please note that you must first complete the Fulton County Schools mandated volunteer registration program to be able to volunteer or otherwise assist in the classroom, cafeteria, media center, school event, or field trip. Information on volunteer registration can be found on both the HFE School Website and HFE Eagle Alliance website.


Lost & Found

Many items and articles of clothing are left on the playground, cafeteria, classrooms, and halls. HFE has a lost and found area where unclaimed items are stored. The lost and found is cleaned out once a month and all unclaimed items are donated. When you visit the school, please check this area between the cafeteria and the gym. Please remember to label all items as labeled items are returned to the students, usually the same day. Labels can be ordered through Mabel's Labels as they give back to HFE! 

HFE is an International Baccalaureate World School

The mission of an IB school is to develop responsible citizens in a global community by developing inquiring, knowledgeable, and caring young people who help to create a better, more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

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